In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Friday, January 8, 2016

Back on track for a great New Year!

I weighed myself last Saturday and went down about a pound. I had done some celebrating New Years Eve and New Years Day with different food than my normal diet. I also didn't exercise 2 days. Now I am back exercising daily, doing hour of walking usually outside, brisk walking. I am lifting my 20lb weight a couple times a week and getting stronger. I am eating better and lower in calories. My household is on more of a healthy diet now and we are eating salads daily. We are eating some Tuna and some Salmon along with some chicken in the form of grilled chicken or canned chicken for chicken salad with light mayo. We are eating cereal for breakfast most days. We are trying to eat together a couple days a week when possible, cooking together, which is great!
We are exercising together and my wife and I plan on doing some floor exercises together that strengthen our backs, butts, legs and thighs. We have an app on my wife;s phone for that. My daughter and I go to Starbucks a couple times a week- I walk briskly, she rides her bike mostly. She is getting in the habit of exercising daily and I love that I have been a good influence on her and my family. We are taking some time to play board games, laugh, watch movies together and other family bonding things this year. We are praying together at night when we can and that is encouraging too. Just like our physical health and emotional health is important, we cannot forget our spiritual health. So I am looking forward to getting more healthy this year and getting down to 170lbs. I am not going to stress if the pounds go off at a slower rate, because mostly I want to keep the weight off. My skinny jeans xlike 4 pairs are keeping me accountable. I wear them weekly. My doctor told me to wear more tight clothes so I would be more aware of putting on the pounds. I am still doing the sign job on the weekends and getting a great workout. I don't know for how long though. I actually crave salads, tuna, wheat bread. I actually want to exercise daily. This is such a major change in my life, that I am so surprised, but so happy, because I know I am making good lifestyle choices and making lifetime change that my family and I can be thankful about!

Happy New Year all and keep up the good work!

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