In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

back up to 230lbs. had a rough week

I had a rough week last week, ate too many calories over my limit and only worked out about 4-5 days vs. the 6-7 i usually do. I think a lot of it had to do with eating higher amounts like 2700 to 3000 calories more than one day and eating sweets or fatty stuff I normally stay away from. So I am back to 230lbs and this week being more careful and working out more. I recently got laid off, so I am using my extra time while job hunting to exercise daily and eat healthier. I have some good possibilities for new work, so I am hoping one of them works out soon. I enjoy being active daily, it is good for me mentally. Keeps me more away from depression and good for self-care. I also make a list daily of things I need to do and accomplish before the end of the day. I am also reading and trying to learn some new things too to better myself. My arms are getting bigger in muscle size since I have been working out at gym on machines and at home lifting the 20lb weight I have. I have never really had strong arms before so I am enjoying seeing them increase in muscle size. I am doing more cardio outdoors by walking briskly on the street or a trail. Getting fresh air and exposing parts of my body to the sun helps get some Vitamin D I am in serious need of. Trying to stay positive and my new goal is to at least get to 200 lbs soon, like in a couple months. I am researching different techniques or what works for others. Most of all I am sticking to logging all my food on my Lose It! app on my phone daily and doing cardio 5-6 days a week and gym every other weekday. Drinking lots of water and doing my own quiet time, reading my Bible and praying daily, this has helped me a lot too. Got to exercise my spiritual muscles as well as my body muscles. Also making sure my wife and I spend some alone time or time at home together to get closer. We have enjoyed it so far and hope to make more memories in the future. Spending time with my daughter is something I do daily and enjoy. We laugh and have fun a lot!

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