In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Exercise on my mind
Today’s topic
Running through my cluttered mind
The truth is
My body would rather unwind
Ask yourself
Are you really fine?

Used to living life for fun
We pleasure ourselves at any cost
Life’s a big pink donut box
Oh! I think I’ll have another one!

Even when a heart attack is on the Horizon
Not to worry, the doctor can brew me
Another chemical, magical concoction

What’s the use to stop the abuse?
A day in this life here on earth
No need for self-control or conscience
To me that’s just an inconvenient noose

This world has got answers for all my daily ills
It sees no need for a God
Now you’re working two jobs
Just to pay you’re rising medical bills

Is this really the way we ought to live?
Isn’t there a dusty book on your shelf?
Telling you the where, when’s and how’s to live?

Or are we just too lazy
To exercise our beliefs
Just like our bodies
Our spiritual lives lay dormant
In our homes in heaps

I know I gotta do what I gotta do
Finding the time
Another day passes, another month
Again I blew it
Not even trying

What is up with me?
Why does it gotta be
So complicated
For me to be dedicated
To the simple task
Of exercising this body of mine
This is frustrating!

This old body of mine
Needs some good old educating

P.E. for the M.E.
To lose some of this excess weight
No more holes left on this 5 Foot long belt
I simply can’t wait!

What is wrong with us people?
We just keep eating
Not moving much
We don’t burn any calories
With our Bachelor’s Degree thinking!

Brothers and Sisters dying at the age of 30!
Hearts failing them
From one more super size meal they eat
This stuff is killing them!

The hardest part
For me was just to start
Exercising in a program

Making myself do it
Like the Little Engine that could
I think I can, I think I can
I felt a whole lot different
Worth all the pain & sweat that comes with it

I no longer see myself as invincible
This body of mine
I’ve read about
It’s supposed to be a temple
In a delicate balance, I have learned
Easily brought down and humbled
By being flat out irresponsible

I’m learning daily in this life
Natural and Spiritual
Self-Discipline is a very important principle
The good habits in life
They have to be daily exercised
Don’t come free, I’ve come to realize

Whatever you need to do
Buy a new outfit
Get up earlier everyday
Loose some sleep
You had been getting

All of this is worth the sacrificing
For the new you
To see it
You got to open up your eyes

So if you have yet to begin
Roll up those sleeves of yours right now
Write a new page in this book of your life
In the end
You win!

Don’t listen to your lazy body’s lies
I’m telling you now

I’m now convinced of the fact
For me at least
I need to exercise!

By: Joel D. Harris
On December 14, 2004.

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