In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Monday, February 29, 2016




5 easy and cheap breakfast and lunch ideas video

Healthy breakfast and luch ideas, cool video!!!

weighed myself this Satuday went up couple pounds

I weighed myself this Saturday AM. I weighed 227 lbs. I weighed 223.5 lbs last Saturday. I ate more than 3,000 calories 2 days and missed 2 days of exercise. Some could be water weight because of my salt intake. I feel good though. I am building muscle from I think taking a protein shake twice last week after 2 hard workouts. It is a powder for weight lifters. I am working on growing the size of my arm back and shoulder muscles and some of my leg muscles. I made the mistake of not eating enough protein during my meals after workouts and may have been eating away at my muscle. After watching some videos online about this I decided to purchase some protein powder for the hard workout days. I don't mind if my weight goes up some for muscle gain. It is all relative. I am still not putting any timeline on my weight-loss. Now that I started a new job today, I know my weight and eating plan may need some adjustment. So we will see what happens and I plan on bringing healthier meals to work, exercising in the AM since I work Swing shift. The small fluctuations in my weight-loss do not stress me out as much as before. I just want to live healthy and be strong in my body. I also want work/life balance and good mental health. This is a journey and "The Journey is the Destination"-my favorite quote, so enjoy the journey!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2016




10 Proven Health Benefits of Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets

Woman Holding a Bowl of SaladLow-carb diets have been controversial for decades.
They were originally demonized by fat-phobic health professionals and the media.
People believed that these diets would raise cholesterol and cause heart disease because of the high fat content.
However… times are changing.
Since the year 2002, over 20 human studies have been conducted on low-carb diets.
In almost every one of those studies, low-carb diets come out ahead of the diets they are compared to.
Not only does low-carb cause more weight loss, it also leads to major improvements in most risk factors… including cholesterol.
Here are the 10 proven health benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets.

1. Low-Carb Diets Kill Your Appetite (in a Good Way)

Hunger is the single worst side effect of dieting.
It is one of the main reasons why many people feel miserable and eventually give up on their diets.
One of the best things about eating low-carb is that it leads to an automatic reduction in appetite (1).
The studies consistently show that when people cut carbs and eat more protein and fat, they end up eating much fewer calories.
In fact… when researchers are comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in studies, they need to actively restrict calories in the low-fat groups to make the results comparable (2).
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Bottom Line: When people cut carbs, their appetite tends to go down and they often end up eating much fewer calories without trying.

2. Low-Carb Diets Lead to More Weight Loss

Cutting carbs is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lose weight.
Young Man Eating Raw Meat
Studies show that people on low-carb diets lose more weight, faster, than people on low-fat diets… even when the low-fat dieters are actively restricting calories.
One of the reasons for this is that low-carb diets tend to get rid of excess water from the body. Because they lower insulin levels, the kidneys start shedding excess sodium, leading to rapid weight loss in the first week or two (3, 4).
In studies comparing low-carb and low-fat diets, the low-carbers sometimes lose 2-3 times as much weight, without being hungry (5, 6).
Low-carb diets appear to be particularly effective for up to 6 months, but after that the weight starts creeping back up because people give up on the diet and start eating the same old stuff (7).
It is much more appropriate to think of low-carb as a lifestyle, NOT a diet. The only way to succeed in the long-term is to stick to it.
However, some people may be able to add in healthier carbs after they have reached their goal weight.
Bottom Line: Almost without exception, low-carb diets lead to more weight loss than the diets they are compared to, especially in the first 6 months.

3. A Greater Proportion of The Fat Lost Comes From The Abdominal Cavity

Obese Man on a Scale, Smaller
Not all fat in the body is the same.
It’s where that fat is stored that determines how it will affect our health and risk of disease.
Most importantly, we have subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and then we have visceral fat (in the abdominal cavity).
Visceral fat is fat that tends to lodge around the organs.
Having a lot of fat in that area can drive inflammation, insulin resistance and is believed to be a leading driver of the metabolic dysfunction that is so common in Western countries today (8).
Low-carb diets are very effective at reducing the harmful abdominal fat.
Not only do they cause more fat loss than low-fat diets, an even greater proportion of that fat is coming from the abdominal cavity (9).
Over time, this should lead to a drastically reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Bottom Line: A large percentage of the fat lost on low-carb diets tends to come from the harmful fat in the abdominal cavity that is known to cause serious metabolic problems.

4. Triglycerides Tend to go Way Down

Dairy Products
Triglycerides are fat molecules.
It is well known that fasting triglycerides, how much we have of them in the blood after an overnight fast, are a strong heart disease risk factor (10).
Perhaps counter intuitively, the main driver of elevated triglycerides is carbohydrate consumption, especially the simple sugar fructose (11, 12, 13).
When people cut carbs, they tend to have a very dramatic reduction in blood triglycerides (14, 15).
Compare this to low-fat diets, which can cause triglycerides to go up in many cases (16, 17).
Bottom Line: Low-carb diets are very effective at lowering blood triglycerides, which are fat molecules in the blood and a well known risk factor for heart disease.

5. Increased Levels of HDL (the “good”) Cholesterol

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is often called the “good” cholesterol.
It’s actually wrong to call it “cholesterol”… all cholesterol molecules are the same.
HDL and LDL refer to the lipoproteins that carry cholesterol around in the blood.
Whereas LDL carries cholesterol from the liver and to the rest of the body, HDL carries cholesterol away from the body and to the liver, where it can be reused or excreted.
It is well known that the higher your levels of HDL, the lower your risk of heart disease will be (18, 19, 20).
One of the best ways to increase HDL levels is to eat fat… and low-carb diets include a lot of fat (21, 22, 23).
Therefore, it is not surprising to see that HDL levels increase dramatically on low-carb diets, while they tend to increase only moderately or even go down on low-fat diets (24, 25).
The Triglycerides:HDL ratio is another very strong predictor of heart disease risk. The higher it is, the greater your risk of heart disease is (26, 27, 28).
By lowering triglycerides and raising HDL levels, low-carb diets lead to a major improvement in this ratio.
Bottom Line: Low-carb diets tend to be high in fat, which leads to an impressive increase in blood levels of HDL, often referred to as the “good” cholesterol.

6. Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels, With a Major Improvement in Type 2 Diabetes

Measure Blood Sugar
When we eat carbs, they are broken down into simple sugars (mostly glucose) in the digestive tract.
From there, they enter the bloodstream and elevate blood sugar levels.
Because high blood sugars are toxic, the body responds with a hormone called insulin, which tells the cells to bring the glucose into the cells and to start burning or storing it.
For people who are healthy, the quick insulin response tends to minimize the blood sugar “spike” in order to prevent it from harming us.
However… many, many people have major problems with this system. They have what is called insulin resistance, which means that the cells don’t “see” the insulin and therefore it is harder for the body to bring the blood sugar into the cells (29).
This can lead to a disease called type 2 diabetes, when the body fails to secrete enough insulin to lower the blood sugar after meals. This disease is very common today, afflicting about 300 million people worldwide (30).
There is actually a very simple solution to this problem… by cutting carbohydrates, you remove the need for all of that insulin. Both blood sugars and insulin go way down (31, 32).
According to Dr. Eric Westman, who has treated many diabetics using a low-carb approach, he needs to reduce their insulin dosage by 50% on the first day (33).
In one study in type 2 diabetics, 95.2% had managed to reduce or eliminate their glucose-lowering medication within 6 months (34).
If you are currently on blood sugar lowering medication, then talk to your doctor before making changes to your carbohydrate intake, because your dosage may need to be adjusted in order to prevent hypoglycemia.
Bottom Line: The best way to lower blood sugar and insulin levels is to reduce carbohydrate consumption. This is also a very effective way to treat and possibly even reverse type II diabetes.

7. Blood Pressure Tends to go Down

Girl Eating Kebab, Fullsize
Having elevated blood pressure (hypertension) is an important risk factor for many diseases.
This includes heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and many others.
Low-carb diets are an effective way to reduce blood pressure, which should lead to a reduced risk of these diseases and help you live longer (34, 35).
Bottom Line: Studies show that reducing carbs leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure, which should lead to a reduced risk of many common diseases.

8. Low-Carb Diets Are The Most Effective Treatment Known Against Metabolic Syndrome

Doctor With Thumbs Up
The metabolic syndrome is a medical condition that is highly associated with the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
It is actually a collection of symptoms:
  • Abdominal obesity
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar levels
  • High triglycerides
  • Low HDL levels
The good news is… all five symptoms improve dramatically on a low-carb diet (36, 37).
Unfortunately, the government and major health organization still recommend a low-fat diet for this purpose, which is pretty much useless because it does nothing to address the underlying metabolic problem.
Bottom Line: Low-carb diets effectively reverse all 5 key symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, a serious condition known to predispose people to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

9. Low-Carb Diets Improve The Pattern of LDL Cholesterol

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol (again, it is actually a protein).
It is known that people who have high LDL are much more likely to have heart attacks (38, 39).
However… what scientists have now learned is that the type of LDL matters. Not all of them are equal.
In this regard, the size of the particles is important. People who have mostly small particles have a high risk of heart disease, while people who have mostly large particles have a low risk (40, 41, 42).
It turns out that low-carb diets actually turn the LDL particles from small to large, while reducing the number of LDL particles floating around in the bloodstream (43).
Bottom Line: When you eat a low-carb diet, your LDL particles change from small (bad) LDL to large LDL – which is benign. Cutting carbs may also reduce the number of LDL particles floating around in the bloodstream.

10. Low-Carb Diets Are Therapeutic For Several Brain Disorders

Eggs in a Basket
It is often claimed that glucose is necessary for the brain… and it’s true.
Some part of the brain can only burn glucose. That’s why the liver produces glucose out of protein if we don’t eat any carbs.
But a large part of the brain can also burn ketones, which are formed during starvation or when carbohydrate intake is very low.
This is the mechanism behind the ketogenic diet, which has been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children who don’t respond to drug treatment (44).
In many cases, this diet can cure children of epilepsy. In one study, over half of children on a ketogenic diet had a greater than 50% reduction in seizures. 16% of the children became seizure free (45).
Very low-carb/ketogenic diets are now being studied for other brain disorders as well, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease (46).



The Ketogenic Diet: Sample Meal Plan

The ketogenic diet is similar to the atkins in that the foods eaten are high in fat, low in carbohydrates and full of adequate protein. The ketogenic diet can be used effectively to treat uncontrollable epilepsy in children. Rather than supplying the body with carbohydrates, which supply the body with energy, the body is forced to burn off fats instead.

About the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet was founded in the 1920s by Lyle McDonald. It is a popular diet that is followed worldwide. The ketogenic diet is effective in preventing epileptic seizures because there are fewer carbohydrates consumed and less glucose formed from the starches in the body. When the body receives fewer carbohydrates, it is forced to produce glucose from fats, and therefore enters ketosis. This is when the body uses fat as energy rather than carbohydrates.
The extra fats in the body produce glucose, and elevated levels of ketosis have been proven to reduce seizures. The ratio used in the ketogenic diet is 4:1 of fat to a combination of carbohydrates and protein. Following this diet, you will have to exclude foods high in carbohydrates like bread, sugar, grains, pasta and potatoes.
The ketogenic diet has proven to work effectively for one third of patients who have tried it. Controlled trials found it effective to treat uncontrollable epilepsy in children, and evidence has even shown that it may also be beneficial for adults who suffer with epilepsy. Although this diet is popular with bodybuilders, it does not give much freedom to consume other colorful foods, which are high in vitamins and minerals, e.g. broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, berries, raisins, figs, etc.

Foods to Consume

Some foods are more ketogenic than others, and there are variations of this diet to reduce the levels of fat in the blood. Butter, cream and dairy products like cheese and full-fat milk are allowed on the ketogenic diet. All meats are allowed, along with egg yolks, all kinds of nut varieties, fish and extra virgin olive oils.

Sample Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – Two eggs, two rashers of bacon and one cooked tomato.
  • Lunch – Beef burger wrapped in lettuce.
  • Dinner – Green beans, mushrooms and red peppers fried in flaxseed oil with a salmon steak.
  • Snacks – Unlimited yogurt and full-fat milk. Match box size of cheese. Strawberries and cream, peanut butter.

Foods to Avoid

  • starchy fruits and vegetables
  • potatoes
  • sweet potatoes
  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • salad dressings
  • pasta
  • bread
  • chocolate
  • cakes

Positives and Negatives of the Ketogenic Diet

  • Positive – It has proven to work effectively with children who suffer with refractory epilepsy. It may also offer some benefits to adults.
  • Negative – Consuming foods high in fat over time may cause problems such as high cholesterol and hypertension.
  • Positive – The body turns to ketosis, which uses fat as a fuel rather than carbohydrates.
  • Negative – Over time, the breath may start to smell foul.
  • Positive – Effective to use over the short term.
  • Negative – The diet is limited. Many beneficial fruits and vegetables are avoided because of their starch content.
  • Negative – Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.







Saturday, February 20, 2016

Best lean proteins video!

Bodybuilding foods on a budget video!

importance of eating protein with your diet and exercise program

4 rules to lose belly fat video!

3 best fat loss exercises video!


Lost couple of pounds this week, lower calorie intake and working out regularly

I weighed myself today and I weigh 223.5 lbs. !!!! I was 226.5 last week for a total of 3 lbs lost this week. I looked at my food diary this week on my Lose It ! app on my phone and 4 days out of the 7 days my calorie intake was lower near 2000 to 2100 calories. I worked out hard most days with  a day or so off doing no exercise!. My doctor was glad at my health results went from a BMI of 41 to 34 and now at 33bmi. I need to get down to 25 bmi and still want to go down to 170 long term weight goal and short term 200 lb goal. I hope to reach 200 lbs in a couple months time Lord willing. I still struggle at night snacking, so I have to keep busy or drink tea, like mint or green tea and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. My skinny jeans still fitting well with a little room in the front 38 size. I plan on going down to 36 size soon, I am about a 37 now. I definitely am looking at food differently. I brought my daughter to a local doughnut shop and she got 2 doughnuts, I got none and felt absolutely no urges or wants when looking at the pastries or seeing her eat any. She even left some in the car and I threw it away! Wow, I have changed! I was a daily doughnut person, now not at all, thank God!
I have resisted ice cream and fancy coffee drinks and fatty fried food too! Even McDonalds, I resist all the time even if my family eats there. So cool!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Work Life Balance struggle and some helpful info here on this video

Cardio workout for guys that don't like to do cardio video

Fun Cardio Workout video!

Apple Cider Vinegar health benefits video !

10 Minute Ab Workout

Diet vs Exercise issue


Why Good Nutrition is So Important – Diet versus Exercise Facts 0
By on Diet and Nutrition
With media outlets so widespread in today’s age, we’re able to access information and entertainment at every turn it seems. With that brings the opportunity to advertise and market products to consumers by companies that really are only interested in making money. The general population has now been trained to think that a cover model’s body is the ultimate goal of fitness, so every little gadget that has to do with improving your fitness is being offered to you everywhere you look.
So many fitness and exercise products have gained access to the airwaves. Exercise machines, as well as weight loss products, can be purchased at every store you can imagine. But what our population must get under control, in order to achieve positive results, is the way we eat.
Our diets are so essential to not only our fitness levels, but our overall health in general. The foods we consume provides us with the nutrients we need to perform regular exercise, as well as help our worn out muscles recover and grow. I’ve read in a number of fitness and nutrition outlets that diet can contribute to as much as 90% of your overall fitness results.
That’s right, your training contributes roughly 10% of your fitness results. Now, this may seem a little hard to believe and I’m telling you what I’ve read in order to make a point. In my own experiences I would say that 70% of my results were due to the food that I put in my mouth.
Now, I would not consider myself an expert on diet but I know enough to be confident in its overall importance to fitness goals. Think about how long it takes you to get through a workout. Generally, you’re looking at about an hour out of your day to get some sort of physical activity in. Now, what are you doing for the other 23 hours of the day?
And how are you using those 23 hours to contribute to the hour of exercise that you’ve just performed? An hour of exercise, especially intense exercise, can take a lot out of us. More specifically, we expend a lot of energy to perform exercises, and our bodies need nutrients in order to recover and grow stronger. So during those next 23 hours, we need to find the time to prepare nutritious meals in order to make the most of our fitness efforts.
why-nutrition-so-importantSo what we put into our mouths on a daily basis should never be taken for granted. Think about how much time and money you invest in your other daily activities and none of those are as important as your own personal health. With that in mind, all sorts of fitness and diet professionals have created programs and diet methods in order to improve and build on our exercising efforts.
There’s been the massive low carb craze that started taking off around a decade ago as well as the low-fat craze that came before it. There’s also been diets that focus on consuming high amounts of carbs and diets that focus on high amounts of fats. But which is better? High carb diets are utilized for glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a glucose complex that provides large amounts of energy for use in anaerobic exercises.
On the other hand, fats are well-known to be the richest source of calories among the nutrients we consume. Fats contain 2.5 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins alike. Studies also show that it takes the body 24 calories to metabolize carbohydrates while it only takes 3 calories to burn fat.
So Which Diet Should You Follow?So anyone can follow a high carb and low-fat diet or the other way around. But it is not recommended to follow both at the same time because you’re more than likely to pack on the fat.
Another important factor to consider is not just getting rid of fat on your body but actually keeping it away in the first place. So if we really want to succeed, we should look into what the research tells us, which is that succeeding at keeping up a certain way of eating and losing weight while doing it comes down to one that suits the individual’s food preferences, medical profile and lifestyle.
If you really want to lose some pounds, you can find diets all over the place that can help you. But if you want to keep those pounds off, then you need to find the healthiest way of eating that you can stick to and one that satisfies you.
So no matter what type of diet you try, you must make sure that you’re getting the nutrients that your body needs and one that you can stick to. And just because you find a way of eating that works for you doesn’t mean that you have to stick to it for life either.
Eating food should be something that we can do with constant tweaks. I come across different foods all the time that I want to try. Just because I’m eating a certain way doesn’t turn me away from trying something new. It should be the same way with you as well.
To finish on my original thought, fitness results aren’t just about the exercise you do. The food you consume contributes so much to your results. So make sure you find a healthy and satisfying way to eat and enjoy all the success you deserve!

ACV -Apple Cider Vinegar tonic taken daily.

I have a book from the Bragg's about Apple Cider Vinegar. I read it and now am drinking a vinegar tonic every morning and before 2 or more meals. It consists of 8oz water, filtered, 1 tablespoon vinegar, and some honey or Stevia sweetener. I also add have a lemon juiced to some of the tonics. This helps with appetite suppressing, cuts down fat, cuts down on acid reflux and many health benefits, including protecting you if you get food poisoning! Look it up on the web. I use Bragg's apple cider vinegar with the mother inside -which refers to not being filtered like commercial brands. It has some pulp or brown cloudy residue in it that is good for you. One bottle lasts a long time. Try it sometime, I am used to the taste now and enjoy it daily!

Went down 5 lbs to 226 when weighed in this Saturday am

I weighed myself on Saturday am to find that I lost 5 lbs since last weeks weigh in! Wooooyaaaaah!
I checked my food and exercise log and found my calories were a bit lower by a couple hundred calories daily. I ate healthy most of the time and I worked out 6 days of the week and burned lots of calories! So sticking to my lower calorie and daily workout cardio regimen is working!
There may be other factors but I have not determined that yet. The main thing is I am 1 pound away from my lowest recorded weight in years of 225lbs. I hope to lose a pound or so or more this week. I already worked out at gym and did hour cardio today and ate pretty healthy. I kind of eat some of the same things for breakfast and lunch daily. It is dinner that varies. I am trying to not get too hungry too and trying not to overeat even good healthy stuff. I am drinking lots of water and some coffee.
I feel great and my smallest tightest skinny jeans I fit still and have some room in the front and I am wearing them now! I have noticed my stomach shrinking slowly. I have noticed the difference last week looking at myself in the mirror. My legs and butt are very thin and tight and toned up. Now finally my stomach is shrinking. I am working out and at the gym doing 20lb weight lifts and at gym lifting like a total of 65 lbs of weight on the machines with both hands. My arms are tighter and bigger biceps and triceps. Now the 20lb weights are easy to lift many reps and lots of sets. I am also doing more squats to tighten up my thighs and butt more. My wife bought me some nice 2 pair of workout sweats, one xl size and one large size. I fit them both, the large ones fit better! I am enjoying having more options with clothes and nice looking options for once in my life! Overall I feel great, feel positive, doing a lot of reading and learning on the side and keeping busy and active. I have been a great influence on my family on health issues. They enjoy the new me!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thick and Hearty Vegan Chili yum! video

Gaining weight on your diet, herre is some help on this video

Get Healthy with some good food video!

Weekly weigh-in

Weighed myself Saturday am at 231. Probably pound heavier since ate salty food Friday pm. Not worried. I worked out 7 days last week. Did cardio 6 of those days. Went to gym every other weekday doing legs and arms machine workouts. My muscles are growing in my arms and thighs. Feeling great. Still trying some new diet tweaks like eating bean burritos, lots of salads and some fruit. Making sure I eat high fiber foods. Oh and drinking lots of water. Applying for new full time jobs now. Mostly in medical field. Trying to plan out my day each morning. I'm also trying to cook my food not eat out. I feel great because of it. Learning some basic computer coding now to keep my mind sharp and learn a new skill. HTML, CSS, and Java. Keeping positive. I'm not putting a date on my weight-loss goal of 170 yet. Got to start working and develop a routine. I do workout with my wife when I can and I enjoy it, encouraging each other. My daughter likes working out too so she is starting a good habit early! So proud of her.