In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Monday, February 8, 2016

Went down 5 lbs to 226 when weighed in this Saturday am

I weighed myself on Saturday am to find that I lost 5 lbs since last weeks weigh in! Wooooyaaaaah!
I checked my food and exercise log and found my calories were a bit lower by a couple hundred calories daily. I ate healthy most of the time and I worked out 6 days of the week and burned lots of calories! So sticking to my lower calorie and daily workout cardio regimen is working!
There may be other factors but I have not determined that yet. The main thing is I am 1 pound away from my lowest recorded weight in years of 225lbs. I hope to lose a pound or so or more this week. I already worked out at gym and did hour cardio today and ate pretty healthy. I kind of eat some of the same things for breakfast and lunch daily. It is dinner that varies. I am trying to not get too hungry too and trying not to overeat even good healthy stuff. I am drinking lots of water and some coffee.
I feel great and my smallest tightest skinny jeans I fit still and have some room in the front and I am wearing them now! I have noticed my stomach shrinking slowly. I have noticed the difference last week looking at myself in the mirror. My legs and butt are very thin and tight and toned up. Now finally my stomach is shrinking. I am working out and at the gym doing 20lb weight lifts and at gym lifting like a total of 65 lbs of weight on the machines with both hands. My arms are tighter and bigger biceps and triceps. Now the 20lb weights are easy to lift many reps and lots of sets. I am also doing more squats to tighten up my thighs and butt more. My wife bought me some nice 2 pair of workout sweats, one xl size and one large size. I fit them both, the large ones fit better! I am enjoying having more options with clothes and nice looking options for once in my life! Overall I feel great, feel positive, doing a lot of reading and learning on the side and keeping busy and active. I have been a great influence on my family on health issues. They enjoy the new me!

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