In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Friday, November 27, 2015

Dollar Tree and Chevron

During the holidays of 2014, I realized I better find me some work and money to contribute for food and gas and be able to possibly buy some holiday food or gifts for the family. I noticed after Halloween that Dollar Tree was hiring and I had some cashier and retail experience and stocking expertise. So I walked in, spoke to the manager, and was basically hired on the spot, did all the paperwork that day. I did stocking, carts, go backs, organizing isle products, cleaning, etc.. Because I was heavy I had to get a 4x shirt at Casual Male XL store and big pants. I was wearing about a 48 waist. I had only been wearing shorts and some big jeans since I had not been working. I worked on my feet 4-6 hours up to 4 days a week at Dollar Tree. The work was strenuous, but I liked my coworkers and it was nice making some money. Only problem I sweated so much it was embarrassing and I was drenched, clothes and all by end of the night. Kind of humiliating, big, bald, sweaty over 40 man working for close to minimum wage. I learned a lot, but had to resign early little after the new year since I got Neuropathy bad in my right thigh, it burned and was in pain so much when working. It got stiff and after a doctor wanted to do a procedure to correct it I quit. I had already gotten a job at Chevron doing customer service and working at the register on my feet 8 hours a day but $2 more an hour so I cut my losses with Dollar Tree. I worked at Chevron till April and had to resign from it because on my last day of work I had such a splitting headache and throbbing pain behind my right eye that I had to call an ambulance at work and go the the ER for hours to see if I might be having a stroke! Very scary. I did eat lots of salty food and lots of food on my break that day, which did not help the situation. So after I quit I went through months of testing at the hospital and my doctors office trying to find some answers. Ends up my new doctor who I love now basically told me the low down after some blood tests and nuclear stress tests. A healthier diet and exercise need to be a lifestyle for me or else in months I may be Diabetic and have some liver and kidney issues. Also my blood pressure was super high. My fats in my blood were super out of control and I also felt horrible, very depressed and my mental issues were not getting better. Somehow, someway I woke up! I was tired of being sick and tired. I was tired about feeling sorry for myself to the point of wanting to write a book about it and not want to live. I was going to take this doctor seriously and do something for me and not because my family and friends were nagging me too. If I was going to enjoy my life with my wife and daughter then I better do something about this! So I did.....

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