In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Friday, November 27, 2015

Exercise or die trying

I knew diet was important, I didn't really want to eat differently because I enjoyed it so much. I always was trying a new fad exercise plan or gym membership on occasion. I just never stuck to it.
I knew I needed to do something different. Something simple.
I picked out from Kaiser that doing 30-45 minutes of cardio any type 5 or more days a week was a good start, so I did that. Mostly doing 30 minutes of walking, doing treadmill, then some aqua aerobics at the pool at my apartments. I actually enjoyed it and did more of it and tried to push myself to do it faithfully daily, not just 5 days a week or every other day like I had tried sometimes. Actually, since I like to read and just be lazy at times, doing anything was a step in the right direction for my health. I really enjoyed the aqua aerobics because it was not weight bearing and I have always loved the water and had fun doing it. I worked up to 45 minutes later. My mother in law encouraged me to push myself when I worked out. She was a sports coach before and was a great swimmer too! I took her advice and I also incorporated some weight lifting since my arms had been pretty weak in the past. I also found a fitbit flex at the pool abandoned and started using it to track my steps, weight and sleep patterns. I started logging my weight weekly then daily on my smart phone.
Currently I am up to 1 hour cardio daily with some weightlifting a couple days a week. I have had weeks where due to busy schedule with my daughter or family, I miss a day of cardio, or near or at holidays, but for the most part I always workout. It makes me feel so good and energized. I tell people I meet you cannot beat the feeling from exercise and healthy eating. I had felt so bad, for so long, I just didn't realize I could live and feel any different. I also have a smart watch now that tracks my sleep, seditary timer, step counter, and plays my Pandora music when I workout. I can also answer my phone while walking with it, very convenient! So basically, my diet and exercise plan are so much a part of my life that they are now MY LIFESTYLE. I am so happy! And have I lost any weight? You bet I have and losing weight still weekly and It has been about a year already.

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