In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Friday, November 27, 2015

My Health

I developed a bone spur at Chevron. My weight did not help. I still have sleep apnea, but my doctor says when I lose more weight they will retest me since I may not need it anymore. I am sore all the time, probably due to working out a lot, but it feels like a good soreness. I am stronger. I can do higher speeds on the treadmill, actually swim non stop for awhile, more than before, I can walk up a hill with a dog I walk at a fast enough pace he is behind me panting! I can lift more weight, I have more endurance. I want to do a half marathon sometime in the future , then maybe a marathon if I get down to 170! I want to save up for a bicycle to start doing that.
Oh, before my present desk job, I got hired 5 months ago to be a sign spinner for a real estate place. I took the job for the extra money, and I like to dance and move now so I found out it burns 1800 calories over a 4 hour shift , so I took it! I lose weight almost every Saturday and Sunday when I work, woooohooo! I listen to music, or now audio books and enjoy myself. I like the office staff and I have actually attracted a lot of business there too!

My face has thinned out, everyone noticed. I can sleep without a big bulge of fat resting on my chest and under my chin. My legs look like chicken legs, or strong thin legs, that's why I can now where skinny jeans. My waist is smaller, My arms are more muscular, my stomach has decreased and just healthier body now. Got a ways to go, but this is definitely encouraging. My bone spur issues now gone, rarely does it flare up, my weigh tloss helped it.

Now I use Lose It app on Android. I love it and use it faithfully daily. So cool! Fit bit app I use too.

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