In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Gained 3 lbs. over the Christmas eating Holiday foods for almost 3 days, but back on track with diet and exercise plan now

I had a great Holiday, and cooked some yummy food and treats over Christmas Eve and Christmas. I didn't work out for 2 days and snacked and ate delicious treats. I gained 3 lbs from all the feasting. I did not pigout, but I definitely went over my normal calorie intake. I am now back on track exercising daily and eating salads, fish, and whole wheat bread. I am back drinking mostly water and a coffee or two daily. I feel good and strong and still fit my skinny jeans. I actually tried on some 36 size jeans at a thrift store, but don't fit them yet, maybe soon though. My 38's are actually all have room in the front, so that is cool. I am working out a lot with the 20lb weight my wife bought me for Christmas. My arms are getting bigger and stronger. I have been mostly working out cardiowise by walking outside with my daughter and a dog we sit for. It is nice to be out in the air, but it has been in the low 40's and high 30's this week, so pretty cold for this California boy to be out in. Got to exercise though, so I don't mind. I will use the gym at my apartment if need be or go to Fitness 19 soon. I am realizing my weight is very sensitive and a lot of variation can occur week to week. Some days I eat out and still try to eat healthy, but my calories are over and I gain some weight. I know this really happens when the combo of eating off my diet/calorie plan and not working out are a double whammy to my weight-loss goals. I do have a normal life like most people, so I cannot expect to always lose the 2-4 lbs I was losing initially when I was not working and had a very strict lifestyle. I am trying to be realistic, and I am not giving myself a firm date on a goal of reaching my 170lbs. Short term I am seeking the 200lb. goal, I have not been 200lbs forever. I feel at times I am very hard on myself and sometimes feel like I am getting too hungry, so I have to adjust and eat and take a day off if my body is too sore from working out. I am learning a lot in this journey and hope to help others on their journey and we can encourage each other. All I know is that weight-loss is not always such a simple thing and to be patient and just be methodical and work my plan daily. One thing I did do most of my Holiday is to track my food calories, that showed me what I was taking in and to be aware of how eating like that would affect me. I am going to stick with what I know and do and not be so hard on myself and just keep going. I know one thing, I am not going back to the lifestyle I lived practically my whole life and being depressed and full of self-hatred. This was misery and my life now is happy and enjoyable and I can't wait to see what a year from now will look like! Merry Christmas all and Happy New Year!!! Thanks for reading.

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