In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Learning to exercise and do cardio just about anywhere I am at, whatever the situation.

I had new tires and an oil change put on my car this week and had about over an hour to go to wait for them to be done. I decided to take a brisk walk in the misty rain and get some exercise. It went good, walked for about 50 minutes and didn't get too wet and muddy. I walked near small businesses and near some large business park areas. I listened to music from Pandora via my smartwatch and it helped keep me at pace and motivated. I am trying to not be fazed whether it be cold, rainy, muddy, windy, too hot, humid, etc.. I used to use lots of excuses about why I shouldn't exercise, now I am testing my limits and actually broadening my horizons. I am determined to work out in whatever situation I am in and everyday. I see the results in my leg muscles and that I am fitting smaller clothes. My family and friends now know that this is my thing, I exercise everyday, and I don't make excuses. I am always telling my family, I got to do my hour of cardio somehow today. Usually someone wants to join me whether it be my daughter or both my daughter and wife. I like this new me and I plan on keeping this up. If I have a bad day or so and don't work out that much, I get back on track right away the next day. If I haven't worked out I actually feel it, and it doesn't feel good. I want to move, especially after all day being on the phone at work and not moving much. My leg muscles are almost dancing wanting to go outside and move. I have gone to the gym less, due to needing to be at home with my daughter and her homework, or just don't have the time to make the drive. I have realized I can even workout inside the house, run in place, do aerobics to a video on YouTube, etc. NO EXCUSES! That's my motto!

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