In 2010 : 9 months pregnant with FOOD!



Friday, December 11, 2015

Give an inch, you may lose a mile....

Just realized something today. On days that I go off my diet and have a meal at a fast food joint or eat something I don't normally eat that is not on my usual diet I noticed something on my food log. I noticed that I tended to snack a little more at home or eat another meal out almost because of eating out or snacking earlier in the day. Then my weight stayed the same or I gained a little weight like a half a pound. This is not something I want to get in the habit of doing since it effects my weight-loss plan and may get me to get a taste for stuff I have almost completely eliminated from my diet. Like donuts. Donuts have always been my weakness, and now I shun them totally and am afraid that if I get in the habit of treating myself to one on occasion that I will start to eat other things too that are not healthy and I will be going down the road of weight gain again. I do feel I am always close to ruining my diet and exercise plan, but I do have some great willpower and my tastes have changed for more healthy stuff. I also noticed if I miss a day of exercise, I am desperate to exercise the next day and I easily get back on my exercise plan. I just feel good now most days and I like feeling good. No money can buy that feeling. When I do resist temptation, like on a daily basis at work or out and about, it reinforces my new belief systems and encourages me that I am doing well and to not give up. Having lost all the pounds I have, I know I have come really far. I also wear my skinny jeans, 3 pairs a couple days a week, making sure I fit them and getting used to more tighter clothes. It is very rewarding and I really never thought I would be where I am today. So happy! I know I can lose the rest of the weight to get to my 170lb goal and it may take months and months, but slowly and surely I will get there and I will not quit!
So be encouraged. My favorite quote is "The Journey is the Destination" so don't forget to enjoy the journey not just waiting for the goal. I have met so many people day to day on a similar journey, at their own doable pace and it encourages me, because others want to better their lives and be an example for the next generation.

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